
Fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc
Fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc

fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc

If you are facing stuttering issue your PC needs to maintain 60fps or else the entire engine slows down. ini located under Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\. Repeat the first three steps for file Fallout_default.After this game should be restarted to check whether the mouse acceleration error is resolved or not.

fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc

Save the file and close it, now get rid of the read-only feature under file assets.Under this section add the lines as follows,.Under this file locate the control segment.

fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc

  • Under My documents\My games\fallout NV, go to Falloutprefs.
  • In order to get fallout new Vegas mouse fix, then follow the below-given steps: The sudden mouse acceleration issue is really annoying as hell. ini in installation under default folder of C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas)ģ: Fallout New Vegas Mouse Acceleration Issue
  • Repeat all the steps again for fallout_default.
  • Under above add a line as iNumHWThreads=2.
  • Go to my documents and unlock fallout.ini under the folder of mygames\falloutNV using a text editor like notepad.

    fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc

    You can try to avert these issues by setting the boundary to use only 2 cores. 2: Fallout New Vegas Freezingįallout New Vegas Freeze randomly just like BSOD error on definite multi-core hardware surrounding due to incompatibilities with the game engine. It not only updates drivers but also solve all drivers related problems. You can try Driver Booster to update the drivers. So, update the drivers to solve the Fallout new Vegas crash issue. Now, run the game and see if Fallout New Vegas crashing issue appears again or not.Īnother reason for the game to crash is when the drivers are outdated.

  • Click on compatibility tab tick mark on Run this program in compatibility mode.
  • Right-click on Fallout New Vegas game icon and select properties.
  • In order to Fallout New Vegas crash fix, run the game in compatibility mode. Many players are reporting that the game Fallout New Vegas Crashing in the middle due to which they are losing their game.
  • 3: Fallout New Vegas Mouse Acceleration Issue.

  • Fallout new vegas freezing on loading screen pc